Curated List of Projects Written in Rust for ESP32
Here is a curated list of projects I found online that are interesting and related to ESP32 and Rust. If you have some interesting projects to showcase, please send a PR :)
Note: It will contain projects related to all ESP32 families. So may not be exact ESP32 SoC.
- ESP32 Rex: Dinosaur Game for the ESP32 with an OLED display, using the Embassy framework.
- ESP32 RFID Access Control: Smart Door Lock Simulation with Rust and ESP32, using RFID, optional servo motor, and OLED display to simulate and control door access.
- ESP32 Wi-Fi Tank: A Wifi-controlled tank/rover built with an ESP32 control board and Rust
- Solar Inverter: Grid-Tie Solar Inverter with MPPT
- Paper train: Displays NMBS train delays on an e-ink display, driven by an esp32
- ha-vfd-dashboard A Home Assistant dashboard made using a vacuum fluorescent display
- anemometer: ESP32-S3 Espressif based 3D printed Anemometer
- esp32-spooky-maze-game: Rust Bare Metal implementation of maze game for ESP32