So far, we haven't discussed one of the greatest strengths of the ESP32 chip: its Wi-Fi support. In this section, we'll explore the capabilities of ESP32's Wi-Fi and what we can achieve with it.
The ESP32 supports standard Wi-Fi communication protocols (802.11 b/g/n) and can operate in two modes: Station (STA) mode and Soft Access Point mode. It is also capable of running in both modes simultaneously.
Station (STA) Mode
In this mode, the ESP32 connects to an existing Wi-Fi network as a client, similar to how your smartphone or laptop connects to a Wi-Fi router. Once connected, the ESP32 can access the internet or communicate with other devices on the same network.

Access Point (AP) Mode
In this mode, the ESP32 acts as a Wi-Fi access point, creating its own network to which other devices can connect. The ESP32 essentially functions as a router, allowing devices like smartphones, laptops, or other microcontrollers (example: ESP32) to communicate with it directly.