Write Rust Code for Motion Detection Using a PIR Sensor and ESP32
Let's write a simple program that prints a message whenever motion is detected. This will help us fine-tune the PIR sensor settings and grasp some basic concepts. Once that's done, we'll build a complete burglar alarm simulation with a buzzer and an onboard LED (or an external LED, which you can adjust as needed) to make it more exciting.
Generate project using esp-generate
To create the project, use the esp-generate
command. Run the following:
esp-generate --chip esp32 pir-sensor
This will open a screen asking you to select options. We dont need to select any options. Just save it by pressing "s" in the keyboard.
Sensor Output Pin to ESP32's Input
We'll configure GPIO 33 as an input pin with an initial pull-down state. This pin is connected to the PIR sensor's output, which goes HIGH whenever motion is detected.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let sensor_pin = Input::new(peripherals.GPIO33, Pull::Down); }
The logic
The idea is simple: we continuously check the sensor's output in a loop. When the sensor's output goes HIGH, we print the message "Motion detected" and add a short delay.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { loop { if sensor_pin.is_high() { println!("Motion detected"); delay.delay(100.millis()); } delay.delay(100.millis()); } }
Clone the existing project
You can clone (or refer) project I created and navigate to the pir-sensor
git clone https://github.com/ImplFerris/esp32-projects
cd esp32-projects/pir-sensor
The Full code
#![no_std] #![no_main] use esp_backtrace as _; use esp_hal::delay::Delay; use esp_hal::gpio::{Input, Pull}; use esp_hal::prelude::*; use esp_println::println; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { let peripherals = esp_hal::init({ let mut config = esp_hal::Config::default(); config.cpu_clock = CpuClock::max(); config }); esp_println::logger::init_logger_from_env(); let sensor_pin = Input::new(peripherals.GPIO33, Pull::Down); let delay = Delay::new(); loop { if sensor_pin.is_high() { println!("Motion detected"); delay.delay(100.millis()); } delay.delay(100.millis()); } }