Project Ideas

1. Access Control with RFID and OLED

Build an access control system that displays "Access Granted" or "Access Denied" on an OLED display when RFID tags are scanned. Optionally, add a buzzer to provide audio feedback based on the access status.


  • MFRC522 (RFID reader module) & RFID Tags/Cards
  • 0.96-inch OLED Display (I2C interface)
  • [Optional] Buzzer (for audio feedback)
  • Power Supply (e.g., 5V adapter or battery)

2. Automatic Garage door using RFID

I found an interesting video that demonstrates an automatic garage door system using RFID with Arduino. You can replicate this project using an ESP32 and Rust. Watch the video here.


  • MFRC522 (RFID reader module) & RFID Tags/Cards
  • Servo motor
  • [Optional] Buzzer (optional, for audio feedback)
  • Power Supply (e.g., 5V adapter or battery)

3. Simple Smart Door Lock System with ESP32 and RFID

A door model can be built using a cardboard box, where a servo motor opens the door when the correct key is presented. If the wrong key is used, the door remains closed, and optionally, a buzzer sounds for feedback. You can replicate this project using an ESP32 and Rust. Watch the video here.


  • MFRC522 (RFID reader module) & RFID Tags/Cards
  • Servo motor
  • [Optional] Buzzer (optional, for audio feedback)
  • Power Supply (e.g., 5V adapter or battery)


If you create a project based on this idea, feel free to send a pull request with your project link, and we'll feature it here!

  • ESP32 RFID Access Control: Smart Door Lock Simulation with Rust and ESP32, using RFID, optional servo motor, and OLED display to simulate and control door access.