Using external LED
You can do the same fading effect with external LED.
Hardware Requirements
- External LED
- Resistor (330 Ohms)
- Jumper wires (optional)
- Breadboard (optional) - You might need two breadboards to fit the ESP32 devkit properly, as it's quite wide. I bought two small breadboards and placed one side of the ESP32 on each.
- Connect the anode (longer leg) of the external LED to ESP32's GPIO 5 through the 330-ohm resistor
- Connect the cathode (shorter leg) of the LED to the ground (GND) pin of the ESP32
Code changes
In the code, all you have to do is change the GPIO number from 2 to 5.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let led = peripherals.GPIO5; }
High speed channel
There's no fun in just changing one line. Let's use high-speed channel this time. To do that, we have to pass HighSpeed
struct and update the clock source to use the HSClockSource
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let ledc = Ledc::new(peripherals.LEDC); let mut hstimer0 = ledc.timer::<HighSpeed>(timer::Number::Timer0); hstimer0 .configure(timer::config::Config { duty: timer::config::Duty::Duty5Bit, clock_source: timer::HSClockSource::APBClk, frequency: 24.kHz(), }) .unwrap(); }
Clone the existing project
You can also clone (or refer) project I created and navigate to the led-highfader
git clone
cd esp32-projects/led-highfader